This Week in Search Anne started the hangout discussing a Local SEO campaign including a Facebook app which Terry added that he had done it in the past and wished her luck! Bill Slawski went on to discuss an upcoming post on Google Ranking Factors which Bill has since written and it is the best post I've seen on this topic. Bill, Terry and Steve discussed some of these factors in detail. Next, the group discussed Machine Learning, AI and analytics and how these terms are used improperly calling analytics machine learning and vice versa. Doc discussed his new site Mentors on Tap followed by Steve Bonin who talked about the joys of changing themes in WordPress. Steve discussed some local SEO he was doing that had many issues. Tim Colling also discussed a Local SEO project and asked Steve how he was handling reviews. Steve went over several actions and techniques for getting reviews. Terry Suggested SEMrush for actionable data. Terry continued the discussion talking about the new site coming from the SEO Training Dojo Community. SEO Dojo Radio has over 240 shows some are just audio (pre Google+) audio and or videos. Next Terry discussed implementing Event schema and how there is some confusion about the difference between the Event and Events schemas.

The Full Video:

Show Notes and Links

The Hosts

iTunes and the Dojo Radio iPhone App!


Direct download: This_Week_In_Search_Season_2_Episode_21.mp3
Category:Local Search -- posted at: 10:56am EDT


Search Geeks Speak Logo


Google Local 2014

On the show this week we have Darren Shaw (from Whitespark) and Eduard de Boer who is a Google photographer. He's going to be giving us some insight into the workings of Google Business view while Darren is going to get into some issues related to listings and rankings on Google Local itself.

We have the full episode, as well as 4 smaller clips from the show.


Full Episode 

Local SEO Links From the Video

Eduard (It's in Dutch)

Get the iTunes and the Dojo Radio iPhone App!

Direct download: SGS-LocalSEO-May162014.mp3
Category:Local Search -- posted at: 1:01pm EDT


Search Geeks Speak:Blogger Outreach and Finding Local Citation with Darren Shaw and Garrett French


show topics 

Darren Shaw:

Garrett French:

Direct download: SGS-GarretFrench-DarrenShaw.mp3
Category:Local Search -- posted at: 1:08pm EDT


SEO Radio Podcast with Disa Johnsonshow topics


Direct download: SGS-Disa-Feb072011.mp3
Category:Local Search -- posted at: 5:41pm EDT


If there was one area of SEO that was getting a lot of buzz going into the new year, it's local. After last weeks (innagural) show with Danny Sullivan, we really had to come up with something to follow that... and we did.

Local SEO Panel Podcast

This week on the show we're having a local SEO panel discussion with a few of our favourite voices in the space. Joining us are; Mike Blumenthal, Andrew Shotland (Local SEO Guide) and Darren Shaw (local citation finder). I am quite trilled to not only have these great minds on, but to be talking about such an important topic.

Show Notes

Tools Mentioned;

Guests Sites;



SEO Dojo Radio Sponsored by;
Direct download: SGS-Jan19.mp3
Category:Local Search -- posted at: 3:41pm EDT

Hey there, what's shakin'? It's time again for this week's edition of SEO Dojo Radio! Yes, I know, you've been just dying for it right? This week it will just be the regulators (Terry, Steve, Justin and myself) talking smack for the next hour or so. Among the many things we're hoping to cover, we have;

  • From the (Dojo) Boards; is SEO getting too hard?
  • On SNC; Search user behaviour study
  • Comment spam WTF?
  • Shopping @ Google heats up
  • Google; my signals are bigger than yours
  • closes; are directories dead?
  • Matt Cutts speaks

We've no guest this week, so you're stuck with us. We were hoping to have Barry Schwartz on, but he's feeling under the weather, so we will have him back on next week with us. We've a LOT of goodies to yak about this week, so it won't be a problem.

Show Notes;


Show Hosts;

Dojo Radio on iTunes;

Direct download: Dojo-Radio-WK18orig.mp3
Category:Local Search -- posted at: 4:50pm EDT

Yes, it's that time again.. WE'RE BACK! While there was plenty going on over the last week, it seems we shall be spending most of the time in the first half of the show talking about the shake up in Google local via the places changes. It's certainly got a lot of folks up in arms, but is it really something they should be bitching about? Or is it a tempest in a tea pot? We're going to find out. Topics on hand include;

  • Google Local SERP shake-up

  • Google employees heading to Facebook

  • RDFa support for ecommerce


Life and times of Virginia Nussey

In the second part of the show this week we have Virginia Nussey in house. Best known as a prominent blogger for Bruce Clay and host of SEM Synergy, she's now out on her own. We'll talk to her about what she's doing with herself now and her take on the world of copy writing and where she see's SEO headed.

Virginia Nussey

Show notes;

Direct download: Dojo-Radio-Episode16.mp3
Category:Local Search -- posted at: 2:21pm EDT





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